Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
Heavy Duty Safety Switches
Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
General Duty Safety Switches
Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
Double Throw Safety Switches
Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
Disconnect Switches
Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
Operator Mechanisms
Safety Switches & Disconnect Switches
Door Closing Mechanisms
1) Heavy Duty Safety Switches
Play a crucial role in today’s commercial and industrial settings, isolate power in daily activities, provide an effective way to interrupt power in an emergency, provide lockout on sight disconnect.
2) General Duty Safety Switches
General and Light Duty Safety Switches.
3) Double Throw Safety Switches
Provide emergency back up power connections in accordance with Article 702 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70. They also have the capability of switching two loads between one power sources. Plays 3 crucial roles in today’s commercial and industrial settings: 1) isolate power in daily activities 2) provide an effective way to interrupt power in an emergency and 3) provide lockout in sight disconnect.
4) Disconnect Switches
TeSys DF and LS1, MD Enclosed Disconnect Switch, Mini- Vario and Vario, TeSys LK4 Non fusible disconnect switches, TeSys GS.
5) Operator Mechanisms
Type L UL 489 Rotary Handle Circuit Breaker Mechanisms, Variable Depth Circuit Breaker Mechanisms, Dual Cable Operating Mechanisms.
6) Door Closing Mechanisms
Designed for use on single or multi door enclosures.